There are lots of work from home business or part time jobs ideas that will allow you to earn a living online. If you find the idea of propping your feet up and relaxing on your couch appealing, you can change your life significantly. You can check into partnering with outside companies to build your business, or you can go the independent contracting route to help your business grow. In either case, the opportunities for working at home are changing to better suit your needs. Companies are realizing telecommuters make great employees, and bring profitability to the bottom line.
If you’re wondering what’s out there, here are a few great work from home business ideas to think about:
Professional Medical Services, Inc. – This company offers medical billing, transcription and other needed services to manage a practice. Professional Medical Services is located in Cullman, Alabama. The company hires people to do transcription jobs remotely.
Professional Medical Services requires that transcribers have experience, and if you work for them, you’ll be hired as an independent contractor. Their competitive pay scale is based on skill and qualifications. The company says the pay offered is the highest in the field, offering you a great opportunity to change your lifestyle.
SpeakWrite – This company deals with non-medical transcriptions and operates nationwide. SpeakWrite provides transcription services to attorneys, and others who need dictation services. Located in Austin, Texas, transcribers telecommute from Canada and the US.
SpeakWrite pays about $12 to $15 an hour. If you’re a speedy typist, you can earn over $15 an hour. SpeakWrite is one of our most popular work from home business ideas. The company is actively looking for typist in the US and Canada. They are particularly looking for typist with legal backgrounds.
Terescription – This company is a closed caption, logging, and transcription service, offering assistance to the entertainment industry in the post-production arena. In addition to its entertainment-geared services, Terescription offers outsourcing for general transcription to the legal, education and business worlds. Headquartered in Irvine, California, Terescription hires remote transcribers as independent contractors. The pay at Terescription is competitive, allowing you to earn a living consistent with industry standards.
Today, we are lucky to have such a large number of work from home business ideas available. The possibilities for finding a way to telecommute are endless. It’s an exciting time for those virtually obsessed. There has never been a better opportunity to take the work at home plunge.